မုိဘုိင္းၿဖင့္ Fake Mail မ်ားပုိ႔ၿခင္း
Fake Mail ေတြကုိ Web Based, Program Base ေတြအၿပင္ Mobile နဲ႔လည္းပုိ႔လုိ႔ရပါတယ္..
I've been posted this kind of articles last 3 years at www.lowyat.net forum. Now, some computer noobs wanna know how to send that kind of fake mails.
Yeah, you don't need to use php script,
you don't need to use automailer while you are on the way.
Well, Let Start …
1. Open your mobile messaging
2. Go to Setting and Click E-Mail
3. Go to Mailbox settings to configure your account, user name and password.
4. Inside the Mailbox Setting you need to configure
a. Access point in use. (eg. abc 3G/GPRS internet)
b. My e-mail address. you can change your mail address whatever you like. (eg. mail-noreply@gmail.com)
c. outgoing mail server. you can find free mail server, services over internet. (e.g mail.planetcreator.net)
d. User name and password. it's depends on your mail server services. (e.g abc.planetcreator.net, abc)
5. Go back to user setting and the change your name. (e.g Gmail Team)
5. Try to send email to your friends.
Final. Go to see your victims or friends emails.